

We hold a mix of services in our Churches and online.  See below for days and times of what’s on over the next month or two.  You are very welcome to join us at any service! 


By Zoom

Click on this link to join our Wednesday evening Compline 8:30 pm (no password required).

Click below to download the words for the Compline service we often use.

Compline Service

Click on this link to join Morning Prayer at 9 am Thursdays  (no password required).


Upcoming services



4th Sunday (Presentation of Christ in the Temple)

08:30 Holy Communion (BCP) St Michael’s, Stanton Harcourt

10:00 Holy Communion – St Giles, Standlake

11:00 Morning Praise (Lay led) – St Denys, Northmoor


5th Wednesday

10:00 Benefice Holy Communion – St Giles, Standlake

20:30 Compline (Night Prayer) via Zoom


6th Thursday

09:00 Morning Prayer via Zoom


9th Sunday (4th before Lent)

10:00 Holy Communion – St Michael’s, Stanton Harcourt


12th Wednesday

10:00 Benefice Holy Communion – St Giles, Standlake

20:30 Compline (Night Prayer) via Zoom


13th Thursday

09:00 Morning Prayer via Zoom


16th Sunday (3rd before Lent)

08:30 Holy Communion (BCP) – St Nicholas & Swithun, Yelford

10:00 Benefice Service of the Word – St Giles, Standlake


19th Wednesday

10:00 Benefice Holy Communion – St Giles, Standlake

20:30 Compline (Night Prayer) via Zoom

20th Thursday

09:00 Morning Prayer via Zoom


23rd Sunday (2nd before Lent)

09:30 Holy Communion – St Giles, Standlake

11:00 Benefice Choral Eucharist – St Denys, Northmoor


26th Wednesday

10:00 Benefice Holy Communion – St Giles, Standlake

20:30 Compline (Night Prayer) via Zoom


27th Thursday

09:00 Morning Prayer via Zoom



2nd Sunday (Sunday next before Lent)

08:30 Holy Communion (BCP) St Michael’s, Stanton Harcourt

10:00 Holy Communion – St Giles, Standlake

11:00 Morning Praise (Lay led) – St Denys, Northmoor

18:00 Evensong (BCP) Sts Nicholas & Swithun, Yelford


5th Wednesday

10:00 ASH WEDNESDAY Communion – St Giles, Standlake

20:30 Compline (Night Prayer) via Zoom


6th Thursday

09:00 Morning Prayer via Zoom

Private prayer within our buildings

All of our buildings are open most days for private prayer, reflection and peace and quiet. Times of opening are not always specified, as we rely on the kindness of volunteers who have other commitments to ensure the buildings are open! But we aim to have them open 9 am to 4:30 pm (or dusk)

Our prayer is that you will experience the peace of God as you come into our beautiful buildings, and that He will draw near to you as you seek Him.