From the Rectory – July 23

Wonder, the Trinity and a chemistry lesson

I like to wonder. Wonder at the stars when sitting outside on a crisp, clear evening.

Wonder at birdsong first thing in the morning. Wonder at the miracle of life, love and everything in between. So, when recently I was asked to explain the Trinity to 100 primary school children during their visit to church, I began to wonder how I was going to do it. It’s no mean feat when trying not to be heretical! Anyway, I fell back on the usual water, ice and steam analogy. Water – the same substance in three different forms.

And yes, I know water, ice and steam can’t coexist at the same time in the same place together, but it’s the best analogy I have yet to find!

As the service drew to a close, I asked the children what they would take away with them from our time together. Lots of hands went up “We sang a song!” “You’ve got a cold” (glad that was memorable for them “God is Three in One” “God is like an element.” And it was the last one that struck me. ‘God is like an element.’ Casting my mind back to my chemistry lessons some 35 years ago, I am sure Mr Green taught us that an element cannot be broken down into a smaller part or changed into another substance.

I think sometimes we can do that with God. We try and make him small enough to fit our understanding. We try and change him to suit our needs and wants. We end up losing the wonder of faith. For surely, an element of faith is wonder. Wonder, by nature, cannot be broken down, it grows and expands our horizons.

The marine biologist Rachel Carson (1907 – 1964) once said “The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction…

So, let’s stop trying to squeeze God into a convenient

box, neatly tucked on a shelf next to the family bible. Let’s allow ourselves to wonder at God, wonder at the amazing world we live in, and appreciate one another and allow our horizons to expand.

“The heavens keep telling the wonders of God, and the skies declare what he has done.” Psalm 19 verse 1.


With every blessing, Revd Jo