Safeguarding & GDPR

As a Benefice, we have adopted the House of Bishops’ ‘Promoting a Safer Church: Safeguarding Policy Statement’.  You can find this on the church noticeboard, or you can read it here

Our Safeguarding Officers are:

St Giles’ Standlake: Mel Bowler, tel: 01865 301901, email:

St Michael’s, Stanton Harcourt: Dr Lucy Elphinstone, tel: 07801 570496, email:

St Denys’, Northmoor: Please contact the Rector on 01865 655692

St Nicholas & St Swithun, Yelford: Shirley Warren on 01865 300977

You may also contact Jo, our Rector, or any of the churchwardens.  Please see the Who’s Who section for more details. The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is Richard Woodley, and he can be reached on or 01865 208267 or 07391 868478



For our GDPR privacy notice, please click here GDPR privacy notice 2021