Canon Sarah Sharp
Congratulations to Sarah Sharp, our former Rector,who was installed as an Honorary Cannon of Christchurch on 1 February 2025
Congratulations to Sarah Sharp, our former Rector,who was installed as an Honorary Cannon of Christchurch on 1 February 2025
Dear Friends, Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger.’ This famous bible passage is often used in helping people to make their friendship or relationship work: do not let the sun go down on your anger? How does any friendship or relationship work? Whether that is … [Read more…]
At the time of writing it’s about three weeks to election day – countdown! Not long to go before we’ll all be asked to have our say on who we want as our local MP, and our thoughts on who we want governing the UK. We are fortunate indeed in this country to be able … [Read more…]
I’ve always felt rather sorry for Pontius Pilate. Apart from Mary he is the only person mentioned in the creed and it is unfortunate that the wording makes it sound as if he was responsible for Jesus’s death though “suffered under Pontius Pilate” was just a formula for dating the event. The gospel accounts give … [Read more…]
My husband – not a churchgoer – was scanning our benefice What’s On news sheet. As he read through the notices of Parish breakfast, Teacake Tuesday, Cafe church, Ladies Lunch, Men’s Breakfast, and Thursday Lunch Club he asked whether anything took place in the C of E these days without food being involved. Since most … [Read more…]
It’s been a number of years since the bells at St Giles Church, Standlake, have been rung regularly. In an attempt to rectify this, when the King’s Coronation was only a few weeks away, a call went out on the village Facebook site in March last year for would-be bellingers to make some noise for … [Read more…]
Recently at church we looked at the very early life of Moses – specifically when he was drawn from the water as a baby. It was suggested to me that what I said on that day was written down for others to read. So here I offer to you what I said on Mothering Sunday. … [Read more…]
ReplyForward A group from the Benefice Churches had a great time doing their bit to get a few more silhouettes ready to be shipped off to Normandy. We applaud the huge effort by Dan Barton on this amazing project. Standing with Giants will install a staggering 1,475 silhouettes across the wild meadow fields of the … [Read more…]
So many people contribute to church life across the Benefice; not all of them come to services regularly (or even occasionally). But they quietly get on with so many different tasks, often unseen and usually unthanked. It was decided that these often unsung heroes should be unsung no more! A Benefice “Thank You” party was … [Read more…]